Go to safe mode

To go to safe mode in windows xp or 7

Step 1 restart the system
Step 2 start pressing f8 till you see various options
Step 3 select safe mode
Step 4 enter
And you entered the safe mode

To go into safe mode in windows 8, windows 8.1 and windows 10
If your windows is logging in or you are able to access the power button at login screen
Step 1 press power button
Step 2 hold left shift button
Step 3 press restart
Step 4 chose troubleshoot
Step 5 chose advanced option
Step 6 chose startup behavior
Step 7 click on restart
Step 8 chose 4 for safe mode

Vola you entered safe mode

If you are unable to access power button.
Then you have to access it by pressing various abrupt power button till you see auromatic repair
After automatic repair you will access above steps to go into safe mode

Tweak to go into safe mode in any windows by run command
Step 1 windows r
Step 2 type msconfig
Step 3 click on boot
Step 4 tick safe mode
Step 5 click on
Step 6 click on restart

Vola.  If you like it please follow and comment


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