windows 7 ssl certificate error

 Hi friends,

    i have made this post because this issue is rising too much after microsoft end the support for windows 7 and windows 8 too. Many sites doesn't work properly like, some government sites.

 Certificate invalid/ Certificate is not from trusted publisher

For resolving this error, you have to just download following update and install it

Prerequiste for this update

1. Windows 7 should be service pack 1 or above

2. Check whether your computer is 32 bit or 64 bit

3. download 

32 bit or x86

64 bit

4. choose your bit and install it

Note: if your windows is not service pack 1 please update it to service pack 1. you may get link for updating to service pack 1 from the following link

sp1 64 bit

sp1 32 bit

If you get any problem, please tell me . i will definitely try to help you

Thanks for reading my post and please give me suggestion and feedback.


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